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Grater Goods’ Kaupapa is to bring you all the pleasures of fine foods in gourmet plant based deli items. To show you the breadth of plant proteins, to make delicious vegan meats, cheeses and pates.
We create premium, artisan products that are 100% plant based.

Our History

Grater Goods was started by Kiwi musician Flip Grater, who, in 2018 was married to a French gourmand and wanted to create decadent, luxurious European style kai to have alongside the exceptional wines of Aotearoa. The name Grater Goods is a reference to Flip’s grandfather, whose family business was Grater & Sons, a butchery in Sunderland, England, dating back to the early Twentieth Century.
Grater Goods is both a nod to this heritage and a subversion of it, with a 100% plant-based menu to cater to contemporary tastes and current planetary priorities.

We began with creating a chorizo that we sold through social media. We moved into a tiny kitchen and sold deli sandwiches through the window. Since then we’ve become a thriving retail & hospitality space and built a dedicated factory that produces over 20 European-style products that we sell to specialty stores, supermarkets and restaurants across Aotearoa.

Founded in creativity and care

Flip has been dedicated to making delicious vegan food for upwards of two decades as a passionate home cook and cookbook author. While not cooking, Flip has pursued a successful career as a singer songwriter with five albums under her belt and multiple international tours.

Our team come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are dedicated to hospitality and innovation. We're excited about creative and elegant solutions through our kai.
